Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Hours of Time

the hours...many hours...

this is by far the biggest issue. it is because of the amount of hours the job requires that it becomes difficult to balance a band director's life.

how many? at least 29 1/2 hours a day!!!

HUH?! ...29.5 hours of what?

it seems as thought each day of school/work is filled with 28 hours of work that needs to be accomplished in just about 14. arrive at 6:50, start to teach at 7:35 (school beginning at 7:30), a "planning" period at 1:05 that will be filled with numerous distractions of phone calls, student conversations, loud percussive noises, the annoyances of the class members opposite us in the building, and the typical thought, "are my students doing what they should be doing? i better go check to make sure." and this usually involves several walk-abouts filled with stern looks and questions of who is on task.

then there are the after school rehearsals. there's a parent meeting. there are the county meetings/rehearsals. there are director to director phone calls, vendor phone calls, faxes, purchase orders, field trip forms, grades and attendance, AND by zues' beard, the emails that are in and of themselves a full time job to keep up with and respond to.

and then there are times that i just don't want to deal with any of it.....

i hope as i continue to explore all these issue and continue to come closer to a balance, i simply hope that i find the time to keep posting. but, of course, at this point the words of yoda ring loudly in my mind in a perpetual cadence of self reminding that i have yet to realize....

"Do, or do not. There is no try."

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